Entropy Wi-Fi is an end-to-end solution, ranging from the Wi-Fi Mobile Client, Hotspots, Web Portal, AAA, PCRF, Campaign System up to Billing. This caters to stand-alone Wi-Fi access for events, travelers, merchants, off-net users as well as 3G to Wi-Fi off-loading. It supports various authentication technologies such as portal-based authentication and Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP/802.1x). In addition to EAP SIM used for seamless offloading, Entropy Wi-Fi provides an auto-login feature on its Mobile Client for non EAP SIM devices. Entropy's Wi-Fi solution comes with a location-based functionality where user access and credits can vary depending on the serving hotspot, user IP or GPS. This is further maximized by sending advertisements and sponsored services through Wi-Fi. For more information, please see http://entropy-solution.com/.

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Partner Category
Public AccessSPoT Location Ecosystem
Partner Type
Vertical Markets
RetailSmart CityTransport